I have a few hundred Facebook “friends”, a few hundred Instagram “friends” and so on. I imagine you do too. I have a Facebook page reflecting my status as a self employed individual.

So for the sake of maths, once a week I could share some news on my Facebook page to maybe 400 people, that news could be a service I provide that I think my friends would be interested in or even better require and so provide me with some paid work.

The difference between your Facebook personal profile and your Facebook page is that your profile is intended for personal friendships. So the Facebook page is your shop front, it is the page that profiles your ‘business’ and it is the Facebook page that we need to engage and share with our friends, it is our business face to our friends and the world.

First we need to draw to our friends attention that we have a page, we need to let know what it is we do. So we invite our friends to like and follow our page. Provided our friends take up our invitation especially the “Follow” then we have created a platform to communicate what it is we do.


To LIKE a post in my humble opinion is a polite gesture. It is a form of acknowledgement which I think is total waste of time. Without the FOLLOW it is a pointless action.


The old system of economics was referred to by some as Command and Conquer, ruled from the top with dictates being sent down. Some companies still work on this model and has been shown time and time again will fail.

The concept was simple, you went to school, got qualifications and then more importantly got a job. You were then in your career. This as a work model is dead.

The emerging collaborative and sharing model which was dreamt up nearly 20 years ago is here. Know as the Network Economy it is essentially an economy that at its centre are a series of overlapping collaborative and sharing circles. These circles I mentioned earlier, they are our friends, work partners, and the public.

The networked, collaborative portal with a trusted brand is the way forward. This is what Wye Dean Wellbeing is all about. The brand has started but undoubtedly with be worked and developed by the people who are Wye Dean Wellbeing. It was never intended to be fait accompli but rather a start point, an idea that embraces the concepts mentioned.

Winning by Sharing. If I come back to our individual sharing circles then one of the collaborative objectives might be this.


Whilst within the group we have different services, treatments and offerings, what we need to do is post to our circles and then get those people to repost to their circles and on and on. The potential could be exponential. But, we need to educate people about the powers of collaborative sharing and this seems to be the challenge.

And, more importantly we need to share news our friends have regardless of our personal interest. What might not be interesting to you may be of interest to your friends? Winning by Sharing.

We are developing a WyeDeanWellbeing Facebook page, we are increasing this following but obviously more work and effort is needed, currently we have 81 LIKES and 82 FOLLOWS, which is a good start.

“I have several hundred followers, well they certainly are not reflected in these numbers and so in my circles I have some work to do!”

Multiply this by your friends and followers the 82 we have at the moment is a tiny percentage of our collective whole?

I would encourage everybody to be a bit more on message. The bottom line is that everybody would like more work, maybe to earn a bit more money. So we all need to be more proactive. Winning by Sharing.

If one of your friends or followers posts something why not consider sharing this to your circles. Everybody Wins by Sharing. So let’s not be part of the Like society, let’s be part of the collaborative society where everybody benefits by sharing.