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Need to talk

Do you live in the
Forest of Dean?

We are offering AFFORDABLE One-to-One, confidential therapeutic counselling sessions via, phone, online or face to face for those who feel they can benefit.

Please contact us by email: enquiries@wyedeanwellbeing.co.uk 

By phone: 07369 279950 where an experienced and qualified professional will get back to chat with you about how we can help. 

Download a poster Need-to-talk.pdf

Need to talk

The Service can also help those who are struggling with DRUGS or ALCOHOL or may be ISOLATED and to help them RECONNECT with their local or the wider forest community.

Please contact us by email: enquiries@wyedeanwellbeing.co.uk 

By phone: 07562 652987  where an experienced and qualified professional will get back to chat with you about how we can help. 

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See Me

Some of the loneliest people are invisible; at home for most or all of the day, often through circumstance e.g. poverty, poor public transport, not in work, working from home, caring for young or the elderly, or because of poor physical or mental health.

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Our People

Wye Dean Wellbeing is a collective of like minded people who decided to set up a Community Interest Company (CIC) in order to provide wellbeing services and support for people in need at a local level.

Wye Dean Wellbeing core team coordinate the in-house skills and collaborative partnerships to best serve your community, individual, family or workplace.

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The principles of co-development and the creation of dynamic partnerships form the deep roots from which our research is developed.