Following NHS advice, here are five ways that a fantastic four-legged friend can really enhance your life:-

1. Connect with other people

Not only does a dog bring you an absolutely unconditional connection of it's own, it also opens up a whole World of opportunity to meet a wide variety of people, right in the heart of your own community. Dog people are naturally attracted towards dog people; after all, they have the most precious things in common, and to enjoy together!

2. Be physically active

Sharing your life with a dog creates an unavoidable sense of responsibility - it needs to go out regularly, both to relieve itself and to get the necessary level of exercise for the particular breed - and you really will want to be a part of that. Voila! daily activity becomes an essential part of life; not a task or a chore, but a healthy daily routine.

3. Learn new skills

And what better way to do that? Whether it is basic obedience training, grooming techniques, veterinary understanding or, even, map reading (think of the exciting walks you could enjoy together then!), the opportunities are endless.

4. Give to others

This one is very important, particularly for those that have become disconnected or feel isolated. Straight away, you will regain the sense of giving, just from the basic daily routine of having a dog in your life. And, trust us, no human on Earth is as appreciative as a well conditioned canine companion.